We are here to help - New Day AVL

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We are here to help

New Day are committed to helping you connect with people, using all the audio visual equipment available.
Improving sound systems, installing loop system for the hard of hearing, providing video solution to improve veiwing of songs, scripture and presentations.
Providing back up when needed - we often go the extra mile.
We are passionate about using technolgy to spread the Gospel message to all.

For information on streaming your service see below.

Do you need help with all this technology?
Or just improve what you have now?
These have been difficult times for all of us. We are commited to helping with free advice on improving sound, video and lighting. New Day provices free surveys and quotes.
Access our free resources, with lots of 'how to' guides and videos. Resources
We are also continuing to work - following government guide lines - installing and maintaining systems across the country.
Contact us now by email info@newday.tv, tel 01452 618619 or use our contact page

We will be releasing shortly a new series of videos on sound and video in church.
Starting with the basics "what is this connector and what’s it for?" Then moving to more advanced online training covering both analogue and digital sound mixers. We will keep the techy jargon to a minimum and make it easy to follow. With tech tips on how to make your AV people better and less stressed.
Following this we will talking about how to use microphones – different types and which is best for the application.
Also a new series of how to on video cameras, web streaming and tech tips to improve your engagement with online audiences.

Reasons to web stream
1) To show potential new members—those who visit your church website—what your church is really like. (Fact: Young married couples, ages 24 to 34, who have recently moved into a town, will watch a live streamed church service an average of six times before stepping foot in the church building.)

2) To provide an alternative for those who have odd work schedules or who travel frequently for work and/or play.

3)To provide a convenient means to attend worship for those who can’t make it to church due to illness or being infirmed.

4) For the elderly who can’t leave home (shut-ins) or those living in an assisted living environment.

5) To extend church membership beyond the walls of your church (think multi home membership).

6) For special events, music concerts, pageants (out-of-town grandma wants to see granddaughter in the Easter program).

7) For district conferences; more church members can participate in conferences and be part of the discussions about the direction of the church as a whole.

8) For fundraising; groups within the church (women’s ministry, youth ministries) can take advantage of this technology and use it to raise money and awareness of their mission activities.

9) To live stream your pastor’s sermon across campus or across town where the church has planted a new church—decreasing the cost of having two pastors serve locations that are sharing resources.

10) As outreach … to fulfill the Great Commission (Acts 1:8).
1) How do we get online or how do improve what we have? We are here to help you to get online with practical help and advice. Contact us: info@newday.tv or call 01452 618619.

2) Is it expensive? Good question, New Day has starter solutions from £258 inc vat to get you online to Zoom, Facebook and YouTube. We also have the biggest selection of cameras, video mixers, software, recorders and streaming kit of any company, although you don't necessarily need all of these, depending on what set up you want and the equipment you already have. We can also help you with sound, lighting and all the technical aspects of getting online.

3) Is it technically difficult to start? For Zoom, Facebook and YouTube it's easy and we have a video available to help you.

4) Are there any resources we can get to learn more? Go to the our resources page. https://newdayaudiovisual.uk/resources.html

5) What about all the legal requirements such as GDPR, Child Protection and copyright? We have a comprehensive answer to all of these on our resources page. There are a lot of false rumours and facts circulationg in the church about why you can't go online.

6) If we go online people will not come to church? An old red herring this one. The fact is you are MORE likely get people to come to your church if you are online. Some people have gotten fearful of this technology, believing it's not 'real' church but if the Apostle Paul was alive today he would have his own online ministry, using social media. It's the most effective method of getting the Gospel into homes today. No other method of delivery comes anywhere near how effective this is. To quote the Salvation Army in North America "The web is the new street"
For more information on web broadcasting either contact us or you can go to our web pages for more information.
Tel 01452 618619
Excellence doesn't just happen It's by design
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